Editorial Board Member, Hepatology (Official journal of American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, AASLD) (IF: 13.0) (2023 – now)
Editorial Board Member, Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Official journal of American Gastroenterological Association, AGA) (IF: 7.1) (2023-now)
Editorial Board Member, Biomedicines (2022-now) (IF: 3.9)
Lu Z# and Wong CM#. The impact of LRP4 mutations on HCC recurrence and immunotherapy response. Hepatology 2025, Online ahead of print.(#Corresponding author) (IF: 13.0)
Wei Hm Suo C, Gu, X, Shen S, Lin K, Zhu C, Yan K, Bian Z, Chen L, Zhang T, Yan R, Yang Z, Yu Y, Li Z, Liu R, He J, He Q, Zhong W, Jia W, Wong CM, Dong Z, Cao J, Sun L, Zhang H, Gao P. AKR1D1 suppresses liver cancer progression by promoting bile acid metabolism-mediated NK cell cytotoxicity Cell Metabolism 2025, Online ahead of print (IF: 27.7)
Cao Y, Qian R, Yao R, Zheng Q, Yang C, Yang X, Ji S, Zhang L, Zhan S, Wang Y, Wang T, Wang H, Wong CM, Yuan S, Heeschen C, Gao Q, Bernards R, Qin W, Wang C. Dev Cell 2025, Online ahead of print (IF: 10.7)
Chan FF, Kwan KKL, Seoung DH, Chin DWC, Ng IOL, Wong CCL and Wong CM#. N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) modification activates serine synthesis pathway to mediate therapeutic resistance in liver cancer. Mol Ther 2024, 32:4435.(#Corresponding author) (IF: 12.4)
Chan FF, Yuen VW, Shen J, Chin DW, Law CT, Wong BP, Chan CY, Cheu JW, Ng IO, Wong CC, Wong CM#. Inhibition of CAF-1 histone chaperone complex triggers cytosolic DNA and dsRNA sensing pathways and induces intrinsic immunity of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2024, 80: 295 (#Corresponding author) (IF: 12.9)
Chen A, Zhang VX, Zhang Q, Sze KM, Tian L, Huang H, Wang X, Lee E, Lu J, Lyu X, Lee MJ, Wong CM, Ho DW, Ng IO. Targeting the oncogenic m6A demethylase FTO suppresses tumourigenesis and potentiates immune response in hepatocellular carcinoma. Gut 2024, Online ahead of print. (IF: 23.0)
An H, Hong Y, Goh YT, Koh CW, Kanwal S, Zhang Y, Lu Z, Yap P, Neo SP, Wong CM, Wong AS, Yu Y, Ho JS, Gunaratne J, Goh SS. m6Am sequesters PCF11 to suppress premature termination and drive neuroblastoma differentiation. Mol Cell 2024 Accepted (IF: 14.5)
Chan FF and Wong CM. ZEB1 Fuels Serine Metabolism to Promote HCC Metastasis. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2023. 16: 646-647 Editorial Commentary (#Corresponding author) (IF: 7.1)
Cheu JW*, Lee D*. Li Q*, Goh CC. Bao MH, Yuen VW, Zhang MS, Yang C, Chen YK, Tse AP, Sit FW, Liu CX, Ng IO, Wong CM, Wong CC. Ferroptosis suppressor protein 1 inhibition promotes tumor ferroptosis and anti-tumor immune responses in liver cancer. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2023. 16:133-159 (*Co-first author) (IF: 7.1)
Yuen VW*, Chiu DK*, Law CT*, Cheu JW, Chan CY, Wong BP, Goh CC, Zhang MS, Xue HD, Tse AP, Zhang Y, Lau HY, Lee D, Au-Yeung RKH, Wong CM, Wong CC. Using mouse liver cancer models based on somatic genome editing to predict immune checkpoint inhibitor responses. J Hepatol 2023 78: 376 (*Co-first author) (IF: 26.8)
Chan CY, Yuen VW, Chiu DK, Goh CC, Thu KL, Cescon DW, Soria-Bretones I, Law CT, Cheu JW, Lee D, Tse AP, Tan KV, Zhang MS, Wong BP, Wong CM, Khong PL, Ng IO, Bray MR, Mak TW, Yau TC, Wong CC. Polo-like kinase 4 inhibitor CFI-400945 suppresses liver cancer through cell cycle perturbation and eliciting antitumor immunity. Hepatology 2023. 77:729-744 (IF: 12.9)
Wong LS*, Wei L*, Wang GC, Law CT, Tsang HC, Chin WC, Ng IO, Wong CM#. In vivo genome-wide CRISPR activation screening identifies functionally important long non-coding RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022. 14:1053-1076 (* co-first author) (#Corresponding author) (IF: 7.1)
Chan FF and Wong CM#. Targeting the Metabolic Vulnerability of ARID1A-Deficient Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022. 14: 241, Editorial Commentary. (#Corresponding author) (IF: 7.1)
Shen J, Yang C, Zhang MS, Chin WC, Chan FF, Law CT, Wang GC, Cheng CL, Chen M, Wan RT, Wu M, Kuang Z, Sharma R, Lee TK, Ng IO Wong CC#, Wong CM#. Histone chaperone FACT complex coordinates with HIF to mediate expeditious transcription program to adapt to poorly oxygenated cancers. Cell Reports 2022. 38:110304 (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 7.5)
Zhang MS, Cui JD, Lee D, Yuen VW, Chiu DK, Goh CC, Cheu JW, Tse AP, Bao MH, Wong BP, Chen CY, Wong CM, Ng IO, Wong CC. Hypoxia-induced macropinocytosis represents a metabolic route for liver cancer. Nat Commun. 2002. 13:954 (IF: 14.7)
Cheng CL, Tsang FH, Wei L, Chen M, Chin DW, Shen J, Law CT, Lee D, Wong CL, Ng IO, Wong CM# Bromodomain-containing protein BRPF1 is a therapeutic target for liver cancer. Commun Biol 2021 4:888 (# Corresponding author) (IF: 5.2)
Wong LS, Wong CM#. Decoding the Roles of Long Noncoding RNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2021. 22:3137. Review (# Corresponding author) (IF: 4.9)
Bao MH*, Yang C*, Tse AP*, Wei L*, Lee D*, Zhang MS, Goh CC, Chiu DK, Yuen VW, Law DC, Chin W, Chui NN, Wong BP, Chan CY, Ng IO, Chung CY, Wong CM#, Wong CC#. Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout library screening identified PTPMT1 in cardiolipin synthesis is crucial to survival in hypoxia in hepatocarcinoma. Cell Reports. 2021, 34:108676. (* Co-first authors) (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF : 7.5)
Wang X, Wang J, Tsui YM, Shi C, Wang Y, Zhang X, Yan Q, Chen M, Jiang C, Yuan YF, Wong CM, Liu M, Feng ZY, Chen H, Ng IOL, Jiang L, Guan XY. RALYL increases hepatocellular carcinoma stemness by sustaining the mRNA stability of TGF-β2. Nat Commun 2021, 12: 1518 (IF: 14.7)
Lee D, Zhang MS, Tsang FH, Bao MH, Xu IM, Lai RK, Chiu DK, Tse AP, Law CT, Chan CY, Yuen VW, Chui NN, Ng IO, Wong CM, Wong CC. Adaptive and Constitutive Activations of Malic Enzymes Confer Liver Cancer Multi-layered Protection against ROS. Hepatology. 74:776. (IF: 12.9)
Chan LK, Ho DW, Kam CS, Chiu EY, Lo IL, Yau DT, Cheung ET, Tang CN, Tang VW, Lee TK, Wong CC, Chok KS, Chan AC, Cheung TT, Wong CM, Ng IO. RSK2-inactivating mutations potentiate MAPK signaling and support cholesterol metabolism in hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Hepatol. 2021, 74: 360. (IF: 26.8)
Chen M and Wong CM#. The emerging roles of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) deregulation in liver carcinogenesis. Mol Cancer 2020, 19:44, Review (# Corresponding author) (IF : 27.7) (Citation > 250)
Shen J, Chen M, Lee D, Law CT, Wei L, Tsang FH, Chin DW, Cheng CL, Lee JM, Ng IO, Wong CC#, Wong CM#. Histone Chaperone FACT complex mediates oxidative stress response to promote liver cancer progression. Gut 2020. 69:329-342 (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 23.0)
* Featured by editorial commentary in Gut (Gut. 2020 Feb;69(2):195-196)
Chiu DK, Yuen VW, Cheu JW, Wei L, Ting V, Fehlings M, Sumatoh H, Nardin A, Newell EW, Ng IO, Yau TC, Wong CM, Wong CC. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Upregulate PVRL1, Stabilizing PVR and Inhibiting the Cytotoxic T-cell Response via TIGIT to Mediate Tumor Resistance to PD1 Inhibitors in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2020. 159:609-623. (IF: 25.7) (Citation > 100)
Wei L, Lee D, Law CT, Zhang MS, Shen J, Chin DW, Zhang A, Tsang FH, Wong CL, Ng IO, Wong CC#, Wong CM#, Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 library screening identified PHGDH as a critical driver for Sorafenib resistance in HCC. Nat Commun. 2019; 10:4681. (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 14.7) (Citation > 250)
Tsang FH, Law CT, Tang TC, Cheng CL, Chin DW, Tam WV, Wei L, Wong CC, Ng IO#, Wong CM#. Aberrant super-enhancer landscape in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2019; 69:2502-2517 (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 12.9)
Law CT, Wei L, Tsang FH, Chan CY, Xu IM, Lai RK, Ho DW, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#, Wong CM#. HELLS regulates chromatin remodeling and epigenetic silencing of multiple tumor suppressor genes in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2019; 69:2013-2030. (Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 12.9)
Chiu DK, Tse AP, Law CT, Xu IM, Lee D, Chen M, Lai RK, Yuen VW, Cheu JW, Ho DW, Wong CM, Zhang H, Ng IO, Wong CC. Hypoxia regulates the mitochondrial activity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through HIF/HEY1/PINK1 pathway. Cell Death Dis. 2019. 10:934. (IF: 8.1) (Citation > 100)
Tan HW, Leung CO, Chan KK, Ho DW, Leung MS, Wong CM, Ng IO, Lo RC. Deregulated GATA6 modulates stem cell-like properties and metabolic phenotype in hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2019. 145:1860-1873 (IF: 5.7)
Lee D, Xu IM, Chiu DK, Leibold J, Tse AP, Bao MH, Yuen VW, Chan CY, Lai RK, Chin DW, Chan DF, Cheung TT, Chok SH, Wong CM, Lowe SW, Ng IO, Wong CC. Induction of Oxidative Stress Through Inhibition of Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Is an Effective Therapeutic Approach for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology. 2019; 69:1768-1786. (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 100)
Wong CM*, Tsang FH*, Ng IO#. Non-coding RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma: molecular functions and pathological implications. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018; 15:137-151. Review. (* Co-first authors, # corresponding author) (IF: 45.9) (Citation > 300)
Chen M, Wei L, Law CT, Tsang FH, Shen J, Cheng CL, Tsang LH, Ho DW, Chiu DK, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#, Wong CM#. RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase-like 3 promotes liver cancer progression through YTHDF2-dependent posttranscriptional silencing of SOCS2. Hepatology. 2018; 67:2254-2270. (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 950)
Tse AP, Sze KM, Shea QT, Chiu EY, Tsang FH, Chiu DK, Zhang MS, Lee D, Xu IM, Chan CY, Koh HY, Wong CM, Zheng YP, Ng IO, Wong CC. Hepatitis transactivator protein X promotes extracellular matrix modification through HIF/LOX pathway in liver cancer. Oncogenesis. 2018; 7:44. (IF: 5.9)
Lo RC, Leung CO, Chan KK, Ho DW, Wong CM, Lee TK, Ng IO. Cripto-1 contributes to stemness in hepatocellular carcinoma by stabilizing Dishevelled-3 and activating Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Cell Death Differ. 2018; 25:1426-1441. (IF: 13.7)
Wei L, Chiu DK, Tsang FH, Law DC, Cheung CL, Au SL, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#, and Wong CM#. Up-regulation of histone methyltransferase G9a promotes liver cancer development and is a promising therapeutic target. J. Hepatol 2017, 67: 758 (# Co-corresponding authors). (IF: 26.8) (Citation > 100)
Ho DH*, Chan LK*, Chiu YT, Xu IM, Poon RT, Cheung TT, Tang CN, Tang VW, Lo IL, Lam PW, Yau DT, Li MX, Wong CM#, Ng IO#. TSC1/2 mutations define a molecular subset of HCC with aggressive behaviour and treatment implication. Gut 2017, 66:1496-1506 (* Co-first authors, # Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 23.0)
Chiu DK, Tse AP, Xu IM, Di Cui J, Lai RK, Li LL, Koh HY, Tsang FH, Wei LL, Wong CM, Ng IO, Wong CC. Hypoxia inducible factor HIF-1 promotes myeloid-derived suppressor cells accumulation through ENTPD2/CD39L1 in hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Commun. 2017; 8:517. (IF: 14.7) (Citation > 250)
Lee D, Xu IM, Chiu DK, Lai RK, Tse AP, Lan Li L, Law CT, Tsang FH, Wei LL, Chan CY, Wong CM, Ng IO, Wong CC. Folate cycle enzyme MTHFD1L confers metabolic advantages in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Clin Invest, 2017, 127:1856 (IF: 13.3)
Leong KW, Cheng CW, Wong CM, Ng IO, Kwong YL, Tse E. miR-874-3p is down-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and negatively regulates PIN1 expression. Oncotarget 2017, 8: 1134
Chiu YT, Wong JK, Choi SW, Sze KM, Ho DW, Chan LK, Lee JM, Man K, Cherny S, Yang WL, Wong CM#, Sham PC#, Ng IO#. Novel pre-mRNA splicing of intronically integrated HBV generates oncogenic chimera in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepaol 2016, 64:1256-64 (# Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 26.8)
Wong CM*#, Wei L*, Law CT, Ho DW, Tsang FH, Au SK, Sze KM, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#. Up-regulation of histone methyltransferase SETDB1 by multiple mechanisms in hepatocellular carcinoma promotes cancer metastasis. Hepatology, 2016, 63:474-87 (* Co-first authors, # Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 100)
* Recommended by F1000Prime, 10.3410/f.725860793.793511616
* Featured by editorial commentary in Chinese Clinical Oncology (Chin Clin Oncol. 2016;5:72. & Chin Clin Oncol. 2016;5:73.)
*Featured by editorial commentary in Translational Cancer Research (Transl Cancer Res 2016; 5: S139)
Chiu DK, Xu IM, Lai RK, Tse AP, Wei LL, Koh HY, Li LL, Lee D, Lo RC, Wong CM, Ng IO, Wong CC. Hypoxia induces myeloid-derived suppressor cell recruitment to hepatocellular carcinoma through chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26. Hepatology 2016, 64:797. (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 150)
Ma W, Sze KM, Chan LK, Lee JM, Wei L, Wong CM, Lee TK, Wong CC, Ng IO. RhoE/ROCK2 regulates chemoresistance through NF-κB/IL-6/STAT3 signaling in HCC. Oncotarget 2016, 22:3105.
Kai AK, Chan LK, Lo RC, Lee JM, Wong CC, Wong CM, Ng IO. Downregulation of TIMP2 via HIF-1α/miR-210/HIF-3α regulatory feedback circuit enhances cancer metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2016, 64:473 (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 100)
Lai RK, Xu IM, Chiu DK, Tse AP, Wei LL, Law DC, Lee D, Wong CM, Wong MP, Ng IO, Wong CC. NDUFA4L2 Fine-tunes Oxidative Stress in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 2016, 22:3105 (IF: 10.0)
Xu IM, Lai RK, Lin SH, Tse AP, Chiu DK, Koh HY, Law CT, Wong CM, Cai Z, Wong CC, Ng IO. Transketolase counteracts oxidative stress to drive cancer development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016, 113:E725. (IF: 9.4) (Citation > 150)
Zhang Y, Yang J, Zhang J, Sun L, Hirankarn N, Pan HF, Lau CS, Chan TM, Lee TL, Leung AM, Mok CC, Zhang L, Wang Y, Shen JJ, Wong SN, Lee KW, Ho MH, Lee PP, Chung BH, Chong CY, Wong RW, Mok MY, Wong WH, Tong KL, Tse NK, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Shotelersuk V, Ying SK, Fung SK, Lai WM, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Cherny SS, Cui Y, Sham PC, Yang S, Ye DQ, Zhang XJ, Lau YL, Yang W. Genome-wide search followed by replication reveals genetic interaction of CD80 and ALOX5AP associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Asian populations. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016, 75:891 (IF: 20.3)
Wong CM#, Wei L, Au SL, Fan DN, Zhou Y, Tsang FH, Law CT, Lee JM, He X, Shi J, Wong CC, Ng IO# miR-200b/200c/429 subfamily negatively regulates Rho/ROCK signaling pathway and suppresses HCC metastasis. Oncotarget. 2015; 6:13658-70. (# Co-corresponding authors)
Tsang FH, Au SL, Fan DH, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#, Wong CM#. HOTTIP, an oncogenic long non-coding RNA, is frequently up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and is negatively regulated by tumor suppressive microRNA miR-125b. Liver Int. 2015; 35:1597 (# Co-corresponding author) (IF: 6.0) (Citation > 100)
Tsang FH, Au SL, Wei L, Fan DN, Lee JM, Wong CC, Ng IO#, Wong CM# MicroRNA-142-3p and microRNA-142-5p are down-regulated in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and have combinatory effects on HCC cell motility. Front Med 2015; 9:331-43 (# Co-corresponding author) (IF: 3.9)
Zhang Y, Wang Y, Yang J, Zhang J, Sun L, Hirankarn N, Pan HF, Lau CS, Chan TM, Lee TL, Leung AM, Mok CC, Zhang L, Shen JJ, Wong SN, Lee KW, Ho MH, Lee PP, Chung BH, Chong CY, Wong RW, Mok MY, Wong WH, Tong KL, Tse NK, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Shotelersuk V, Ying SK, Fung SK, Lai WM, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Sham PC, Yang S, Ye DQ, Cui Y, Zhang XJ, Yang W, Lau YL. Meta-analysis of two Chinese populations identifies an autoimmune disease risk allele in 22q11.21 as associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015; 17:67. (IF: 4.4)
Zhang Y, Zhang J, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhang L, Zuo X, Sun L, Pan HF, Hirankarn N, Wang T, Chen R, Ying D, Zeng S, Shen JJ, Lee TL, Lau CS, Chan TM, Leung AM, Mok CC, Wong SN, Lee KW, Ho MH, Lee PP, Chung BH, Chong CY, Wong RW, Mok MY, Wong WH, Tong KL, Tse NK, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Shotelersuk V, Ying SK, Fung SK, Lai WM, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Sham PC, Yang S, Ye DQ, Cui Y, Zhang XJ, Lau YL, Yang W. Meta-analysis of GWAS on two Chinese populations followed by replication identifies novel genetic variants on the X chromosome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Hum Mol Genet. 2015, 24:274 (IF: 3.1)
Wong CC, Au SL, Tse AP, Xu IM, Lai RK, Wei L, Fan DH, Tsang FH, Wong CM, Ng IO. Switching of pyruvate kinase isoform L to M2 promotes metabolic reprogramming in hepatocarcinogenesis. PLoS ONE 2014, 9:e115036 (IF: 2.9)
Tsang VH, Gao WW, Chan CP, Cheung Y, Yuen KS, Wong CM, Ng IO, Kok KH, Zhou J, Jin DY. Requirement of CRTC1 coactivator for hepatitis B virus transcription. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014, 42:12455. (IF: 16.6)
Wong CC, Tse AP, Huang YP, Zhu YT, Chiu DK, Lai RK, Au SL, Kai AK, Lee JM, Wei LL, Tsang FH, Lo RC, Shi J, Zheng YP, Wong CM, Ng IO. Lysyl oxidase-like 2 is critical to tumor microenvironment and metastatic niche formation in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology, 2014, 60:1645 (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 150)
Jing Y, Jia D, Wong CM, Oi-Lin Ng I, Zhang Z, Liu L, Wang Q, Zhao F, Li J, Yao M, Wu X, He X. SERPINA5 inhibits tumor cell migration by modulating the fibronectin-integrin β1 signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol Oncol. 2014, 8:366. (IF: 5.0)
Du Y, Woo HK, Li L, Mak KY, Wong CM, Shi J, Pong PW. Effect of bi-directional microfabricated topographical cues on cellular behavior of mammalian cell line. Microelectronic Engineering 2014, 124:37 (IF: 2.6)
Fan DN, Tsang FH, Au SL, Wong CC, Tam AH, Wei L, Lee JM, He X, Ng IO#, Wong CM#. Histone methyltransferase, suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1, promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression and is negatively regulated by microRNA-125b. Hepatology. 2013; 57:637 (Co-corresponding author) (IF: 12.9)
Au SL, Wong CC, Lee JM, Wong CM#, Ng IO#. EZH2-mediated H3K27me3 involves in epigenetic repression of Deleted in liver cancer 1 in human cancers. PLoS ONE 2013; 8:e68226 (Co-corresponding author). (IF: 2.9)
Wong CM, Kai AK, Tsang FH, Ng IO. Regulation of hepatocarcinogenesis by microRNAs. Front Biosci. 2013; 5:49-60. Review
Au SL, Ng IO# and Wong CM#. Epigenetic dysregulation in hepatocellular carcinoma: Roles of Polycomb group proteins. Front Med, 2013, 7:231-241. Review (Co-corresponding author) (IF: 3.9)
Yang W, Tang H, Zhang Y, Tang X, Zhang J, Sun L, Yang J, Cui Y, Zhang L, Hirankarn N, Cheng H, Pan HF, Gao J, Lee TL, Sheng Y, Lau CS, Li Y, Chan TM, Yin X, Ying D, Lu Q, Leung AM, Zuo X, Chen X, Tong KL, Zhou F, Diao Q, Tse NK, Xie H, Mok CC, Hao F, Wong SN, Shi B, Lee KW, Hui Y, Ho MH, Liang B, Lee PP, Cui H, Guo Q, Chung BH, Pu X, Liu Q, Zhang X, Zhang C, Chong CY, Fang H, Wong RW, Sun Y, Mok MY, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Zhai Z, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Gao F, Shotelersuk V, Kang X, Ying SK, Zhang L, Wong WH, Zhu D, Fung SK, Zeng F, Lai WM, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barceló MM, Cherny SS, Shen N, Tam PK, Sham PC, Ye DQ, Yang S, Zhang X, Lau YL. Meta-Analysis Followed by Replication Identifies Loci in or near CDKN1B, TET3, CD80, DRAM1, and ARID5B as Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Asians. Am J Hum Genet. 2013; 92:41. (IF: 8.1) (Citation > 150)
Ma W, Wong CC, Tung EK, Wong CM and Ng IO. RhoE is frequently downregulated in HCC and suppresses HCC invasion through antagonizing the Rho/ROCK/MYPT pathway. Hepatology 2013; 57:152. (IF: 12.9)
Mak KY, Li L, Wong CM, Leung CW, Shi J, Koon, HK, Mak SK, Chan NM, Pong PW, Quantitative Analysis of Hepatic Cell Morphology and Migration in Response to Nanoporous and Microgrooved Surface Structures. Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, 111:396 (IF: 2.6)
Li L, Mak KY, Shi J, Leung CH, Wong CM, Leung CW, Mak CS, Chan KY, Chan NM, Wu EX, Pong PW. Sterilization on dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles: Effects of autoclaving, filtration, UV irradiation, and ethanol treatment. Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, 111:310 (IF: 2.6)
Au SL, Wong CC, Lee JM, Fan DN, Tsang FH, Ng IO# and Wong CM#. Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) epigenetically silences multiple tumor suppressor miRNAs to promote liver cancer metastasis. Hepatology 2012; 56:622 (# Co-Corresponding authors). (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 200)
Wong CM*#, Wong CC*, Lee JM, Fan DN, Au SL, and Ng IO#, Sequential alterations of microRNA expression in hepatocellular carcinoma development and venous metastasis, Hepatology 2012; 55:1453 (*Co-first authors, # Co-corresponding authors) (IF: 12.9)
* Featured by Cover story of Hepatology
* Recommended by F1000
Li R, Yang W, Zhang J, Hirankarn N, Pan HF, Mok CC, Chan TM, Wong RW, Mok MY, Lee KW, Wong SN, Leung AM, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Lee TL, Ho MH, Lee PP, Wong WH, Wong CM, Ng IO, Yang J, Li PH, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Li W, Baum L, Kwan P, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Shotelersuk V, Garcia-Barceló MM, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Sham PC, Lau CS, Shen N, Lau YL, Ye DQ. Association of CD247 with systemic lupus erythematosus in Asian Populations. Lupus 2012; 21: 75. (IF: 1.9)
Lei ZQ, Li L, Li GJ, Leung CW, Shi J, Wong CM, Lo KC, Chan KW, Mak CS, Chan SB, Chan NM, Leung CH, La PT, and Pong Liver cancer immunoassay with magnetic nanoparticles and MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction sensors. Journal of Applied Physics 2012; 111, 07E505. (IF: 2.7)
Li L, Mak KY, Shi J, Koon HK, Leung CH, Wong CM, Lung CW, Mak SK, Chan NM, Zhong W, Lin KW, Wu EX, Pong PW. Comparative in vitro Cytotoxicity Study on Uncoated Magnetic Nanoparticles: Effects on Cell Viability, Cell Morphology, and Cellular Uptake. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, 12:9010
Gao P, Wong CC, Tung EK, Lee, JM, Wong CM#, Ng IO#. Deregulation of microRNA expression occurs early and accumulates in early stages of HBV-associated multistep hepatocarcinogenesis. J Hepatol. 2011; 54:1177. (# Co-corresponding authors). (IF: 26.8) (Citation > 100)
Wong CC* Wong CM*, Tung EK, Au SL, Lee, JM, Poon RT, Man K, Ng IO. The microRNA MiR-139 suppresses metastasis and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma by downregulating Rho-kinase 2. Gastroenterology 2011; 140:332. (* Co-first author). (IF: 25.7) (Citation > 250)
* Recommended by F1000
Chan KY*, Wong CM*, Kwan JS, Lee JM, Cheung KW, Yuen MF, Lai CL, Poon RT, Sham PC, Ng IO. Genome-wide association study of hepatocellular carcinoma in Southern Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e28798 (* Co-first author). (IF: 2.9)
Wong CM, Wong CC, Ng YL, Au SL, Ng IO. Transcriptional repressive H3K9 and H3K27 methylations contribute to DNMT1-mediated DNA methylation recovery. PLoS ONE 2011, 6: e16702. (IF: 2.9)
Wong CC, Gilkes DM, Zhang H, Chen J, Wei H, Chaturvedi P, Fraley SI, Wong CM, Khoo US, Ng IO, Wirtz D, Semenza GL. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 is a master regulator of breast cancer metastatic niche formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108:16369. (IF: 9.4) (Citation > 350)
Zhang Y, Yang W, Mok CC, Chan TM, Wong RW, Mok MY, Lee KW, Wong SN, Leung AM, Lee TL, Ho MH, Lee PP, Wong WH, Yang J, Zhang J, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barceló MM, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Sham PC, Lau CS, Lau YL. Two missense variants in UHRF1BP1 are independently associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Hong Kong Chinese. Genes Immun. 2011; 12:231. (IF: 5.0)
Yang J, Yang W, Hirankarn N, Ye DQ, Zhang Y, Pan HF, Mok CC, Chan TM, Wong RW, Mok MY, Lee KW, Wong SN, Leung AM, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Rianthavorn P, Deekajorndej T, Suphapeetiporn K, Shotelersuk V, Baum L, Kwan P, Lee TL, Ho MH, Lee PP, Wong WH, Zeng S, Zhang J, Wong CM, Ng IO, Garcia-Barceló MM, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Sham PC, Lau CS, Lau YL. ELF1 is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Asian populations. Hum Mol Genet 2011; 20:601. (IF: 3.1)
Liang L, Wong CM, Ying Q, Fan DN, Huang S, Ding J, Yao J, Yan M, Li J, Yao M, Ng IO, He X. MicroRNA-125b suppressesed human liver cancer cell proliferation and metastasis by directly targeting oncogene LIN28B2. Hepatology 2010; 52:1731. (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 200)
Wong CC, Wong CM, Au SL, Ng IO. RhoGTPases and Rho-Effectors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis: ROCK N' Rho Move It. Liver Int. 2010; 30:642. Review (IF: 6.0)
Yam JY, Wong CM, Ng IO. Molecular and functional genetics of hepatocellular carcinoma. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2010; 2:117-34. Review
Ko FC, Yeung YS, Wong CM, Chan LK, Poon RT, Ng IO, Yam JW. Deleted in liver cancer 1 isoforms are distinctly expressed in human tissues, functionally different and under differential transcriptional regulation in hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver Int. 2010: 30:139-48. (IF: 6.0)
Yang W, Shen N, Ye DQ, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Qian XX, Hirankarn N, Ying D, Pan HF, Mok CC, Chan TM, Wong RW, Lee KW, Mok MY, Wong SN, Leung AM, Li XP, Avihingsanon Y, Wong CM, Lee TL, Ho MH, Lee PP, Chang YK, Li PH, Li RJ, Zhang L, Wong WH, Ng IO, Lau CS, Sham PC, Lau YL; Asian Lupus Genetics Consortium. Genome-wide association study in Asian populations identifies variants in ETS1 and WDFY4 associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. PLoS Genet. 2010; 6:e1000841. (IF: 4.0) (Citation > 300)
Wong CC, Wong CM, Tung EKK, Man K, and Ng Rho-kinase 2 (ROCK2) is frequently overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and involved in tumor invasion. Hepatology 2009; 48:1583. (IF: 12.9) (Citation > 100)
Tung EKK, Wong CM, Yau TO, Lee JM, Ching YP and Ng IO. HAI-2 is epigenetically down-regulated in human hepatocellular carcinoma and its Kunitz domain type 1 is critical for its anti-invasive function. Int J Cancer 2009; 124:1811. (IF: 5.7)
Wong CM and Ng IOL. Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver Int. 2008; 28:160-174. Review (IF: 6.0) (Citation > 100)
Wong CC, Wong CM, Ko FC, Chan LK, Ching YP, Yam JW, Ng IO. Deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) negatively regulates Rho/ROCK/MLC pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS ONE 2008; 3:e2779. (IF: 2.9)
Lee JM, Wong CM and Ng IO. Hepatitis B virus-associated multistep hepatocarcinogenesis: a stepwise increase in allelic alterations. Cancer Res. 2008; 68:5988-96. (IF: 12.5)
Wong CM, Ng YL, Lee JM, Wong CC, Cheung OF, Chan CY, Tung EK, Ching YP, Ng IOL. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 as a frequently silenced tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2007; 45: 1129. (IF: 12.9)
Wong CM*, Yam JW*, Ching YP, Yau TO, Leung TH, Jin DY, Ng IO. Rho GTPase activating protein DLC1 (deleted in liver cancer) suppresses cell proliferation and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2005; 65: 8861 (* Co-first authors). (IF: 12.5) (Citation > 100)
Leung TH, Ching YP, Yam JW, Wong CM, Yau TO, Jin DY, Ng IO. Deleted in liver cancer 2 (DLC2) suppresses cell transformation by means of inhibition of RhoA activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005; 102:15207-15212. (IF: 9.4)
Chin KT, Zhou HJ, Wong CM, Lee JM, Chan CP, Qiang BQ, Yuan JG, Ng IO, Jin DY. The liver-enriched transcription factor CREB-H is a growth suppressor protein underexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005; 33:1859-18 (IF: 16.6)
Yau TO, Chan CY, Chan KL, Lee JM, Wong CM, Fan ST, Ng IO. HDPR1, a novel inhibitor of the WNT/beta-catenin signaling, is frequently downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma: involvement of methylation-mediated gene silencing. Oncogene 2005; 24:1607-16 (IF: 6.9)
Chan CF, Yau TO, Jin DY, Wong CM, Fan ST, Ng IO. Evaluation of nuclear factor-kB, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and HBx and their clinicopathological significance in hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2004; 10: 4140-4149. (IF: 10.0)
Pang R, Yuen J, Yuen MF, Lai CL, Lee TK, Man K, Poon RT, Fan ST, Wong CM, Ng IO, Kwong YL, Tse E. Pin1 overexpression and b-catenin gene mutations are distinct oncogenic events in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncogene 2004; 23: 4182-4186. (IF: 6.9)
Wong CM, Lee JM, Ching YP, Jin DY, Ng IO. Genetic and epigenetic alterations of DLC-1 gene in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2003; 63: 7646. (IF: 12.5) (Citation > 150)
Ching YP*, Wong CM*, Chan SF, Leung TH, Ng DC, Jin DY, Ng IO. Deleted in liver cancer (DLC) 2 encodes a RhoGAP protein with growth suppressor function and is underexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Biol. Chem. 2003; 278:10824 (* Co-first author) (IF: 4.0) (Citation > 150)
Wong CM, Lee JM, Lau TC, Fan ST, Ng IO. Clinicopathological significance of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 13q in hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin. Cancer Res. 2002; 8: 2266 (IF: 10.0)
Wong CM, Fan ST, Ng IO. ß-catenin mutation and overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma: Clinicopathologic and prognostic significance. Cancer 2001; 92: (IF: 6.1) (Citation > 300)